Hadamard Transform Visible Raman Spectrometry

The successful application of LC-SLM Hadamard transform spectrometry as a simultaneous multiwavelength detection system to Raman spectroscopy is presented. Multiplexed Raman data are obtained with the use of an Ar+ laser lasing at 514.5 nm and a room-temperature silicon photodiode. A conventional 90° scattering geometry is employed for measurements. It is demonstrated that the LC-SLM Hadamard transform Raman spectrometer possesses the capability of performing spectral subtraction and the ability to obtain depolarization ratios of Raman bands, and can function as a selectively tunable optical filter for both Rayleigh line rejection and optical band notching. It is also demonstrated that, for the Hadamard transform Raman experiment, the silicon photodiode used as the detector produces spectra with slightly better signal-to-noise ratios than those obtained with the photomultiplier tube (PMT) used as the detector, although the PMT shows an increase in sensitivity.