Large-AngleπProton Elastic Scattering at 14 and 23 GeV/c

The differential cross section for πp elastic scattering has been measured at 13.8 and 22.6 GeV/c up to t=5 (GeV/c)2. The dips in the angular distribution at t0.8 and 2.8 (GeV/c)2 previously observed at lower momenta become less prominent at higher momentum. The t=2.8 (GeV/c)2 dip is still observed at 13.8 GeV/c, but at 22.6 GeV/c it has become a sharp kink in the angular distribution. At large momentum transfers, dσdt at fixed t is still decreasing with increasing s, but at a slower rate in the 14- to 23-GeV/c region than at lower momenta.