Endovascular Graft Repair of Penetrating Subclavian Artery Injuries

Penetrating subclavian arterial injuries are often difficult to treat. Standard surgical techniques require wide exposure and dissection in traumatized areas, which is often challenging. This report summarizes the early results of endovascularly placed stented grafts for the treatment of penetrating subclavian arterial trauma. Six patients with penetrating injuries of the subclavian artery had stented grafts inserted to repair five pseudoaneurysms and one arteriovenous fistula. The stented grafts consisted of a polytetrafluoroethylene graft sutured over a balloon-expandable Palmaz stent. The devices were inserted from an ipsilateral brachial arteriotomy and deployed using fluoroscopic guidance in the operating room. Immediate success was obtained in all procedures (100%). All patients continue to have patent grafts with a follow-up ranging from 7 to 30 months (mean 19 months). The only procedure-related complication was the need for a brachial artery patch angioplasty at the site of device insertion in the first patient. There was one other patient who developed a stent fracture at 8 months; a second stent was inserted. Duplex studies up to 24 months later show no recurrence in this patient. Endovascular stented grafts offer an effective, less invasive alternative to standard techniques in treating traumatic arterial lesions. Early results are encouraging, but long-term follow-up will be necessary to fully delineate the effectiveness of this technique.