Cultivation of hybridoma cells in continuous cultures: Kinetics of growth and product formation

Mouse hybridoma cells were grown in suspension in continuous stirred bioreactors. Cell growth, substrate utilization, and monoclonal antibody (MAb) production were studied using serum-free medium. Steady-state data were obtained at different dilution rates, between 0.012 and 0.039 h−1 Viability was profoundly affected by dilution rate, particularly near the lower end of the dilution-rate range investigated. MAb concentration and productivity went through a maximum with respect to dilution rate. Lactate yield on glucose declined with in creasing dilution rate. Experiments were carried out to study the effects of medium glucose concentration on cell growth, product formation, and lactate yield on glucose. Reduction of glucose concentration in the feed medium did not considerably affect cell density and MAb concentration in the culture, but lactate levels dropped sharply; lactate yield on glucose declined substantially, indicating alterations in cell metabolic path ways for energy metabolism. Optimization strategy for continuous cell culture is discussed.