Injuries to the Pancreas

Although the incidence of trauma to the pancreas is increasing, few collected series have appeared in recent years. Exceptions are a brief report of 42 cases by Berne and Walters1 and 2 surveys of the experience at Baylor University and its affiliated hospitals.2,4 It is felt timely to report the cases from another institution in view of the difficulties, either initially or as complications, that these injuries present. During the 13-year period ending Dec. 31, 1961, a total of 62 cases of pancreatic trauma were treated surgically at Grady Memorial Hospital (Table 1). Fifty-six injuries were due to penetrating wounds, and an additional 6 were secondary to blunt trauma. Over-all, there was a mortality of 21% and morbidity of 71%. All patients herein reported survived long enough to undergo surgical exploration. Penetrating Wounds Shootings and stabbings led to 56 of these injuries (Table 1). Forty-one were gunshot wounds.