Lethal Properties of a Rapidly Polymerizing Adhesive

Introduction Distinct progress towards sutureless surgery followed the discovery of the adhesive properties of cyanoacrylates by a group of investigators in 1959.1 A year later Nathan and co-workers2 described the effectiveness of methyl 2-cyanoacrylate in the nonsuture closure of incisions in the aorta of dogs. Currently, the surgical potential of these adhesives is being defined. Encouraging reports include the nonsuture repair of blood vessels and bronchi, sutureless intestinal anastomosis, the treatment of mandibular fractures in dogs, the closure of skin incisions, and renal and hepatic hemostasis.3-9 It is important to investigate fully both the advantages and disadvantages of any experimental product intended for humans. The purpose of this report is to present the results of injecting methyl 2-cyanoacrylate, supplied by the Borden Company as AD/here, into Swiss albino mice. The results indicate that methyl 2-cyanoacrylate is toxic to small laboratory animals. Methods Detailed accounts of the