The ascending and intrinsic projections of the superior olivary complex (SO) in the cat were investigated by injection of 3H-leucine and horseradish peroxidase (HRP) in SO and the inferior colliculus (IC), respectively. A topically arranged projection was demonstrated from the nucleus of the trapezoid body (NTB) to the ipsilateral lateral superior olivary nucleus (LSO) with a lesser connection in the opposite direction. The medial superior olivary nucleus (MSO) has a strictly ipsilateral projection, whilst LSO projects symmetrically through the lateral lemniscus (LL) of both sides, to end with topically arranged terminals in the ventrolateral part of the central nucleus of the inferior colliculus (CNIC). Terminal labelling found in the ventral and dorsal nuclei of LL (VNLL and DNLL) probably represents collaterals from bypassing fibres originating in MSO and LSO, respectively. These results were demonstrated by both techniques, whilst in addition the HRP method revealed an ipsilateral and a contralateral projection to IC from VNLL and DNLL, respectively.