Davies and Jones have shown that if the configurational state of a liquid is determined by two or more order parameters that freeze in at the glass transition temperature Tg(P), the Ehrenfest relation, r=ΔβΔCp/TV (Δα)2=1, valid if there is one such parameter, is converted to an inequality r?1. DiMarzio has shown correctly that if the conditions ΔS=0 and ΔV=0 are satisfied at Tg(P), r=1 regardless of the number of order parameters. He has, therefore, concluded that if experimentally r≳1, the order‐parameter concept is inapplicable to the glass transition. It is shown here that r≳1 implies that ΔS and ΔV cannot both be zero at Tg(P), and that there is extensive experimental evidence that the volumes of glasses depend on the pressure under which they were formed, implying ΔV≠0. It is concluded that the experimental observation r≳1 does not render the order‐parameter concept inapplicable.