The classification of hemolytic streptococci proposed by Lancefield1 in 1933 has proved an important advance in the study of streptococcic infections. Using the precipitin technic, based on the presence in hemolytic streptococci of a specific carbohydrate obtainable by acid hydrolysis, she divided these organisms into several groups, designated by the letters A to K, inclusive, and pointed out that most streptococcic infections in human beings were caused by members of her group A. Subsequent studies have confirmed this observation,2 but a good many cases have been reported in which etiologic organisms were members of certain of the other groups. Group B strains have been isolated in cases of suppurative arthritis,3 puerperal sepsis4 and endocarditis.5 Severe cases of endocarditis6 and puerperal sepsis 4a have also been ascribed to members of group G. The status of group D organisms is beyond the scope of this paper and will be