Central corneal thickness, depth of anterior chamber, thickness of lens, length of vitreous, axial length, applanation (Goldmann) and indentation (Schiotz) tension and rigidity (Friedenwald) were determined in three groups of patients; (1) 16 patients with glaucoma simplex, (2) 25 patients with ocular hypertension, and (3) 26 patients with fibrillopathia epitheliocapsularis (so-called pseudoexfoliation of the lens). Average data and computed correlations between the parameters are given in tabular form. Corneal thickness was normal in glaucoma simplex, but significantly increased in ocular hypertension. Corneal thickness was positively correlated to applanation tension but not to indentation tension, nor to any other of the studied parameters. It is suggested that corneal thickness can be considered as a biometric parameter which yields new information about the eye not covered by the conventional parameters.