A quantitative study has been made of the prespark current between plane parallel electrodes in purified N2. The results yield the relationship between (Xp) (X in volts/cm, p pressure in mm of Hg) and (αp) (α is the number of new pairs of ions created by one electron in advancing one cm in the direction of the field). The range in values of Xp covered is from 20 to 1000. The portion of the data between Xp=20 and Xp=38 may be represented at 22°C by αp=(5.76±1.56)×107e(0.245±0.003)Xp. In this region the Townsend equation i=i0eαd for electron ionization alone was found to hold up to the passage of a spark. Between Xp=44 and 176 the curve αp=F(Xp) is represented by αp=(1.166±0.022)×104(Xp32.1±1.4)2. The portion of the curve between Xp=200 and 1000 may be represented by (αp+3.65)2=0.21Xp. These results are in excellent agreement with those of Masch but differ by an order of magnitude and more from those of Ayres below Xp=70. The deviations from i=i0eαd (due to a secondary process of ionization) were first observed at Xp=100. These deviations yield values of a coefficient β due to the secondary ionization mechanism in terms of Townsend's equation i=i0(αβ)e(αβ)d(αβe(αβ)d) which extend from Xp=100 to Xp=1000. To obtain consistent values of β it was found necessary to reduce the initial photoelectric current density from the cathode to less than 1013 amp./cm2. Current densities of magnitude greater than 1012 amp./cm2 give rise to space charge field distortion and consequently falsify values of the secondary coefficient. The values of αp and βp as functions of Xp are applied to the Townsend criterion for spark breakdown between plane parallel electrodes and yield a curve for sparking potential plotted against the product of pressure and electrode separation in agreement with the experimental data of Strutt and Hurst. Since the quantity β cannot be due to ionization by positive ions in the gas it must be ascribed to electron liberation at the cathode either by positive ion impact or by a photoelectric effect. The character of the variation of αp and βp as functions of Xp lends support to the hypothesis that it is the photoelectric effect at the cathode which is the effective secondary mechanism under these conditions.