Site selectivity of methane adsorbed in mordenite as studied by NMR

Temperature dependence of the 1H spin–lattice relaxation time, T1, of methane adsorbed in Na-mordenite has been measured in situ at low temperatures and at various coverages. A sample free from paramagnetic impurities has revealed that at low methane loadings methane molecules were distributed in the main channels and side-pockets approximately according to the Boltzmann distribution, and reorient with activation energies of 1.0 and 2.0 kJ mol–1, respectively. The difference in potential energies for adsorption between the main channel and the side-pocket was very small and estimated to be 70 ± 5 J mol–1. It was also found that the rotational tunnelling of guest methane affects the proton spin–lattice relaxation at low temperatures.