Electron scattering and collimation system for a 12-MeV linear accelerator

The original scattering and collimation system for the Siemens Mevatron XII linear accelerator used a lead scattering foil and box-type plastic collimators. This arrangement achieves excellent field flatness by repeated electron scattering. The electrons reaching the patient are widely distributed in energy and direction. This has detrimental effects on the depth-dose curves: slower falloff and increased surface dose. We have developed an alternative system for this accelerator, designed to minimize electron scatter and improve the safety of patient setup. Primary-electron scatter occurs in the bending-magnet exit window. Field uniformity is accomplished with a flattener of thin aluminum discs of different diameters, piled concentrically. An adjustable electron collimator 25 cm from the patient limits beam size, and a final electron collimator, either a cutout from lead sheet or a custom-made collimator of Lipowitz's metal, in contact with the patient, define the area to be treated. This design results in lower surface dose, sharper dose falloff, bremsstrahlung contamination less than or equal to 1%, and a field flatness expressed by a homogeneity index greater than 0.8 for large fields. Since there is no mechanical connection between the machine and the final collimator, the safety aspects of the system are considerably improved.