Investigation of High-Spin States inEr166

The decay of the long-lived isomer of Ho166 has been studied using gamma-ray scintillation spectrometers and silicon-diode detectors. The results of gamma-gamma coincidence experiments, together with least-squares analysis of the gamma-ray singles spectra, establish the presence of twenty-seven gamma-ray transitions in the decay of this isomer. The conversion-electron spectra provide relative intensities for several of the weak transitions and provided an upper limit for the endpoint energy of the main beta transition from Ho166. The data are consistent with the existence of levels whose energies (in keV) and assignments are 80 (2+), 265 (4+), 545 (6+), 787 (2+), 861 (3+), 910 (8+), 957 (4+), 1074 (5+), 1220 (6+), 1374 (7+), 1680 (5-), 1785 (6-), and 1840 (6-). The data indicate that the energy of the most intense beta transition from the long-lived Ho166 state must lie between ≅55 and ≅65 keV. Several possible nucleon configurations for the negative-parity states in Er166 observed in the decay of this activity are presented and discussed. A description of the observed positive-parity states in terms of an asymmetric-rotator model is given. The agreement between the energies and relative transition probabilities calculated using this model and those observed experimentally is excellent. Formulas for reduced transition probabilities for gamma-ray transitions between states having spins of 6, 7, and 8 are presented.