Continuous data dependence for the equations of classical elastodynamics

Consider a linear elastic solid occupying a bounded regular three-dimensional region B with smooth surface ∂B. The components of displacement ui referred to cartesian axes xi are then well known to satisfy the system of governing equationsin which t denotes the time variable, x = (x1, x2, x3) denotes the position vector, ρ(x) is the non-homogeneous density, assumed positive,. i(x, t) are the Cartesian components of body force per unit mass, and cijkl(x) are the non-homogeneous elasticities, which apart from certain smoothness conditions stated later, are assumed to possess the symmetryThroughout this paper, all suffixes range over the values 1, 2, 3 and the usual converition of summing over repeated indices is adopted. Except where it is in the interest of clarity we avoid explicit mention of the dependence of functions on their arguments.

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