πpInteractions at 604 MeV

The interactions of 604 MeV π mesons in a hydrogen bubble chamber have been systematically analyzed. In 33 000 pictures a total of 8052 usable events were found, corresponding to cross sections of 18.9±1.3 mb for σ(elastic), 4.98±0.54 mb for σ(πpπ0), 7.87±0.91 mb for σ(πnπ+), 14.0±1.0 mb for σ(neutrals), with σ(twopionproduction)<0.2 mb, for a total cross section of 45.9±1.9 mb at this energy. The angular distribution for elastic scattering was fitted with a fifth-order polynomial in cosθ which gave a value of dσdΩ(0°) consistent with dispersion theory. The pion-pion effective-mass distributions for both single-pion-production channels showed pronounced peaking at high mass values, strongly inconsistent with simple isobar-production kinematics. Simple one-pion exchange does not appear to play a significant role.