Inhibition of Ischemic Induced Cellular Swelling in Kidney Cortex Tissue by Lactobionate Anions

Tissue slices prepared from the cortex of canine kidneys exposed to various periods of normothermic ischemia rapidly and massively swell when placed in oxygenated Ringer's lactate medium. The swelling can be suppressed by replacing part of the chloride with larger, less permeable anions such as lactobionate. By adjusting the ratio of lactobionate; CI- to 60 mM:80 mM respectively, periods of greater than 90 min of ischemia can be tolerated without cell swelling. The lactobionate:CI- medium is effective at preventing cell swelling at osmolalities approaching isoosmolar conditions. A fluid containing the appropriate levels of lactobionate and Cl- may be beneficial in the resuscitation of ischemic or shocked exposed organ systems by suppressing reflow-related cell swelling.