In Leucophaea maderae (Orthoptera) the presence of the corpora allata is necessary for the development of the eggs: In [female] 9[female] allatectomized shortly after emergence the eggs did not develop appreciably (maximum length of oocytes 1.4 mm.) beyond the stage in which they are found in the young imago. The corpora allata are needed not only for the first but also for successive reproductive cycles. The accessory sex glands in these operated [female] [female] showed little or no sign of secretion in contrast to normal control glands. No delay or other visible disturbance of egg development was observed after unilateral extirpation of the corpora allata. Reimplantation of corpora allata into allatectomized [female] [female] caused the eggs and the nymphs hatching from them to develop as normally as those of un-operated animals. In a series of expts. in which the time of allatectomy was varied, it was demonstrated that the corpora allata are necessary throughout the period of growth and yolk deposition which constitutes about the first 3d of the total period required for the development of the eggs. Allatectomized [male] [male] when mated with normal virgin [female] [female] were capable of fertilizing the eggs. After castration the corpora allata of [female] [female] and [male] [female] showed no significant change in size or histologic appearance. The accessory sex glands of ovariectomized [image] [image] were actively secreting.