MEMORY has been defined as that property of the nervous system whereby it is effective both in the storage and the retrieval of information.1Instances of "pure" memory loss without associated impairment of other intellectual functions and not complicated by the presence of other neurologic signs or symptoms or by clouded or altered states of consciousness are rarely encountered in neurologic practice or reported in the neurologic literature. Memory loss is most frequently found in association with widespread disturbance of cerebral function in conditions such as senile brain disease, the presenile and other organic psychoses, toxic and deficiency states, encephalitis, posttraumatic and postanoxic sequelae, and after electroshock therapy and status epilepticus.2In all of these, however, there are usually other associated neurologic abnormalities as well as disturbances of other intellectual functions and of consciousness. Even in those conditions in which the lesions are somewhat localized (Korsakoff-Wernicke encephalopathy,