Chironomidae (Diptera) and Postglacial Climate at Marion Lake, British Columbia, Canada

Chironomid (midge) remains analyzed from an 8.95-m-long sediment core from Marion Lake reveal successional changes over the last 12,000 yr since deglaciation. A late-glacial Heterotrissocladius-dominated association characterizes the earliest sediments. Succeeding this community, at the onset of the Holocene, is a Tanytarsini-dominated assemblage. The transition between these communities occurs during a time of rapid climatic amelioration, preceding an early Holocene xerothermic interval. The late-glacial fossil fauna is suggestive of more northerly affinities. Similar sequences have been reported in late-glacial lake sediments elsewhere in North America and in Europe. The composite picture of these chironomid assemblages suggests the gradual retreat of a formerly widely distributed, cold stenothermous fauna. The response of the chironomid community accords well with paleoclimatic inferences based on pollen data at the lake. Subsequent postglacial changes are less pronounced and most are probably attributable to the gradual shallowing of the basin. Chironomid remains from shallow, weakly stratified lakes may yield valuable paleoclimatological data.