The Lα1α2 lines of silver at 4.15A were resolved by the double x-ray spectrometer, which was enclosed in hydrogen to reduce air absorption. The width of Lα1 at half maximum was 4.5 X.U. The separation of α2α1 agreed within experimental error with the value of 8.18 X.U. given in the tables. The MoK lines were studied at first, second and fourth orders. The widths of α1 and α2 were the same, 0.281 X.U. The MoKβ12 separation was 0.567 X.U. No trace of fine structure was found. The CuK lines showed the following effects at both first and second orders. The CuKβ12 doublet, width 0.97 X.U. showed three partially resolved components, assumed to be β1, β2 and β in order of increasing wave-length. The last was about 3.5 percent of the total intensity and its distance from β1 was 1.34 X.U. The β2β1 separation was estimated at 0.38 X.U. There is an excess of energy on the short wave-length side of β1 indicating possibly a fourth component. The width of CuKα1 was 0.61 X.U. No change in width was found between 15 kv. and 40 kv. Both α1 and α2 were steeper on the short wave-length side. This agrees with the observations of Valasek and others. The height of α1 was more than twice that of α2, but α1 was enough narrower so that the ratio of areas was about two. No indication of fine structure was found. All x-ray lines were studied by means of the universal type of two crystal spectrometer described in an accompanying paper. The MoK and CuK lines were checked on a spectrometer of the type used by Davis and Purks. The three sets of crystals used in the above investigation were examined in the parallel position. One set showed a doublet structure.