Treatment results of Hodgkin's disease have been improved by polychemotherapy. The overall cure rate for adults is about 70%. For advanced stages of Hodgkin's disease (III B—IV), the results of treatment are less satisfactory. One approach to improving the cure rates for patients with advanced stages is the intensification of chemotherapy. The German Hodgkin Study Group (GHSG) will apply this treatment strategy by introducing a new protocol (BEACOPP) in combination with growth factor (G-CSF) support to prevent prolonged neutropenia and severe infections. In a currently initiated “run-in”-study the maximal tolerable dose of cyclophosphamide, adriamycin, and etoposide will be defined within a multicenter setting. The subsequent trial will consist of a randomized study of BEACOPP baseline vs. BEACOPP dose-intensified vs. COPP/ABVD standard, in order to evaluate the role of dose intensification for the improvement of treatment outcome.