Population dynamics of the chestnut gall wasp, Dryocosmus kuriphilus Yasumatsu (Hymenoptera: Cynipidae)

During the course of a 10-year investigation on the population dynamics of Dryocosmus kuriphilus, a rapid decrease in the number of individuals was noticed in the adult stage. To detect the role of predation by spiders in causing this high adult mortality, spiders collected from the survey station were tested for their reaction to Drycosmus antiserum. About 20∼50% of the spiders collected during the emergence period of D. kuriphilus reacted positively, showing that the species of Thomisidae, Argiopidae, Agelenidae and Salticidae were the important predators. The predation ratio for the total adult wasp population was estimated at 8.1% in 1968, 20.2% in 1969 and much higher in 1970, increasing with decreasing population density of the wasps. However, the predation by spiders could not account for all of the adult mortality of D. kuriphilus.

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