Transverse susceptibility (χ), spin stiffness constant (ρs), spin-wave velocity (cs), staggered magnetization (M+) and the ground-state energy (E0) of the T=0, spin-(1/2 square-lattice Heisenberg antiferromagnet are estimated by expansions around the Ising limit. Extrapolations of the series, which take into account the leading singular behavior, give Zχ(=8χJ)=0.52±0.03, &(=4ρs/J)=0.72 &(=cs/ √2 J)=1.18±0.02, 2M+=0.605±0.015, and 4E0/J=-2.6785±0.0010. The extrapolations are aided by universal amplitude ratios, whose values can be obtained exactly from the spin-wave theory.