Improved techniques for automatic image segmentation

Mathematical morphology is very attractive for automatic image segmentation because it efficiently deals with geometrical descriptions such as size, area, shape, or connectivity that can be considered as segmentation-oriented features. This paper presents an image-segmentation system based on some well-known strategies. The segmentation process is divided into three basic steps, namely: simplification, marker extraction, and boundary decision. Simplification, which makes use of area morphology, removes unnecessary information from the image to make it easy to segment. Marker extraction identifies the presence of homogeneous regions. A new marker extraction design is proposed in this paper. It is based on both luminance and color information. The goal of boundary decision is to precisely locate the boundary of regions detected by the marker extraction. This decision is based on a region-growing algorithm which is a modified watershed algorithm. A new color distance is also defined for this algorithm. In both marker extraction and boundary decision, color measurement is used to replace grayscale measurement and L*a*b* color space is used to replace the more straightforward spaces such as the RGB color space and YUV color space.

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