Chromosomal and nuclear distribution of the HindIII 1.9-kb human DNA repeat segment

A human interspersed repetitive DNA cloned in pBR322, the HindIII 1.9-kb (kilobase pair) sequence, was labeled with biotinylated dUTP and hybridized to acid-fixed chromosomes and paraformaldehyde-fixed whole cells in situ. Using our most sensitive detection techniques this probe highlighted on the order of 200 discrete loci, in punctate or banded arrays, that resembled a Giemsa-dark band pattern on chromosome arms. Interphase cells also displayed many discrete punctate spots of hybridization along chromosome fibers. The ubiquitous Alu sequence repeat also appeared to be concentrated in specific regions of the chromosome and predominantly highlighted Giemsa-light bands. Centromeric or ribosomal spacer DNA repeats used as controls in all studies gave the expected hybridization profiles and showed no non-specific labeling of chromosome arms. Cohesive groups of centromeric DNA arrays and rDNA clusters were observed in interphase nuclei. Refinements in methods for detecting biotin-labeled probes in situ were developed during these studies and calculations indicated that about 20 kb or more of the 1.9-kb repeat were present at each hybridization site. The chromosomal distribution of the 1.9-kb repeat suggests that this sequence may reflect, or participate in defining, ordered structureal domains along the chromosome.