The "March" of Temporal Lobe Epilepsy

"I doubt not that there is some order throughout, from the warning to the end of the post paroxysmal stage."1 With these words John Hughlings Jackson, in 1880, discussed the results of his exhaustive clinical studies of epileptic patients whose symptoms comprised a number or a series of consecutive or simultaneous alterations of thought, emotion, sensation, and behavior. Thus he indicated his confidence that the varied manifestations of each epileptic attack, whether "dreamy state," uncinate fit, hallucination, or complex automatism, were consistent within the framework of the attack, if only the framework itself could be discerned. The present study is a direct outgrowth of lengthy clinical and electroencephalographic investigation carried out on a group of epileptic patients in collaboration with Drs. Paul MacLean and Gilbert Glaser.2 In the course of these studies, we were repeatedly struck by the frequency of association of certain groups of symptoms within the

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