Up to now, the problem of the influence of level degeneracy on superradiance has been neglected. We describe here a first approach to this problem, in the frame of "small system" quantum model, generalized to the case of a collection of atoms with two degenerate levels of angular momenta j and j connected by an electric or magnetic dipole transition. The differences between this case and the well-known case of two (nondegenerate) level atoms are of two types. The first type is due to the competition between different transitions sharing a common state: superradiant emission on a transition inhibits or initiates superradiance on transitions with smaller transition probability, depending upon which state, upper or lower, is the common one. This effect does not come from the equality of the different wavelengths and would also appear with the same states even if the degeneracy were removed; its qualitative influence on the features of the superradiant pulse can be easily estimated. The second type of differences is quite specific to level degeneracy and consists in interferences between the transitions of the collective system having the same frequency and polarization. In analogy with the description of collections of two-level atoms as spin-½ systems, a group-theoretical description of the considered collection of atoms is found suitable; the problem of the determination of a basis of collective states and its group-theoretical implications are discussed; in particular, it is found that the isotropic character of spontaneous emission allows us to use tensorial formalism and simplifies the formal description of the problem.