Response of Rat Lung Mast Cells to Nitrogen Dioxide Inhalation

Irritant gases in concentrations that occur in polluted atmospheres might play a role in the degranulation and histamine release processes of mast cells in lung tissue. To test this hypothesis, young rats weighing 140-150 g were exposed to 1 ppm nitrogen dioxide for 2 hr. One group was killed immediately, and another group 24-27 hr after exposure. A third group was exposed to 0.5 ppm nitrogen dioxide for 4 hr and killed immediately. Animals serving as controls were placed for 1 hr into the exposure chamber ventilated with ambient air. Standard histological preparations were made after Carnoy’s fixative and subsequent staining with toluidine blue. The mast cells of the control animals appeared relatively intact with no evidence of disorientation. The cells of the animals exposed to NO2 and sacrificed immediately revealed rupture and loss of cytoplasmic granules with some disorientation. These changes were observed in the pleura, bronchi, and surrounding tissue with the effects more marked in the mediastinum. The mast cells of exposed animals sacrificed about 24-27 hr after discontinuing the exposure showed in some cases a combination of ruptured and intact cells with a predominance of the latter, and in other cases could not be differentiated from the controls. These findings indicate that 24 hr or more are required to reverse the acute effects of NO2 inhalation. The toxicological implications will be discussed. The release of granular substances in the lung tissue when NO2 is inhaled signifies the onset of an acute inflammation.