Keeping Quality and Flavor, and Microorganisms, Proteases and Lipases in Raw Cow and Goat Milk at Collection and After Storage

Raw cow and goat milks for retail sale in Connecticut were examined at collection and after storage at 4.4 and 7.2°C for 7 d for keeping quality, flavor, microorganisms, protein degradation on storage, and protease and lipase activity. Some milks were bottled at the farm, others were placed in containers supplied by the customer. Goat milk retained a satisfactory flavor significantly longer than cow milk. There was no correlation of keeping quality with any microbial count made at collection except for number of coliform bacteria. Significant differences were found in enzyme activity and protein degradation between cow and goat milk. No significant difference was found between milk bottled at the farm and that collected in sterile containers. Over 82% of raw milk samples met the 30,000 per ml state standard for total aerobic count (SPC) and 72% met the coliform standard of 50 per ml.