Bacteriophage receptor area of outer membrane protein OmpA of Escherichia coli K-12

A number of T-even-like bacteriophages use the outer membrane protein OmpA of Escherichia coli as a receptor. We had previously analyzed a series of ompA mutants which are resistant to such phages and which still produce the OmpA protein (R. Morona, M. Klose, U. Henning, J. Bacteriol. 159:570-578, 1984). Mutational alterations were found near or at residues 70, 110 and 154. Based on these and other results a model was proposed showing the amino-terminal half of the 325-residue protein crossing the outer membrane repeatedly and being cell surface exposed near residues 25, 70, 110, and 154. We characterized, by DNA sequence analysis, an additional 14 independently isolated phage-resistant ompA mutants which still synthesize the protein. Six of the mutants had alterations identical to the ones described before. The other eight mutants possessed seven new alterations: Ile-24 .fwdarw. Asn, Gly-28 .fwdarw. Val, deletion of Glu-68, Gly-70 .fwdarw. Cys, Ser-108 .fwdarw. Phe, Ser-108 .fwdarw. Pro, and Gly-154 .fwdarw. Asp (two isolates). Only the latter alteration resulted in a conjugation-deficient phenotype. The substitutions at Ile-24 and Gly-28 confirmed the expectation that this area of the protein also participates in its phage receptor region. It is unlikely that still other such sites of the protein are involved in the binding of phage, and it appears that the phage receptor area of the protein has how been characterized completely.