The electrical activity of the diaphragm pillars is recorded in 30 normal adults, during transcutaneous electrical stimulation of the phrenic nerves with supramaximal single shocks. We observe in all the subjects a myo-electrical response to stimulation of each phrenic nerve. This response is composed by an action current, generally diphasic, relatively homogeneous, which amplitude is comparable with that of the electromyogramm during a maximum voluntary activity. The times of latency between electrical stimulus and myo-electrical response reach 7.5 ± 0.53 msec for the stimulation of right phrenic and 8.2 ± 0.71 msec for the excitation of left phrenic nerve. The mean of differences between the times of latency of right side and those of left side is statistically significant. The formulated hypothesis, according to which the myoelectrical response to stimulation of one phrenic correspond with the activation of the ipsilateral pillars group, is discussed.