Pulmonary Hemorrhage and Glomerulonephritis

THE ASSOCIATION of hemoptysis and acute, rapidly fatal glomerulonephritis was described in 1919 by Goodpasture.1 The syndrome that bears his name is generally described in young male adults, with temporal concurrence of the renal and pulmonary symptoms. The majority of patients with this symptom complex have had a rapid and fatal progression of pulmonary and renal disease, and have died within a period of weeks or months.2,6 In isolated instances, prolonged survival has been reported,3-5 usually in association with high-dose adrenocorticoid therapy. One patient has survived with the aid of chronic hemodialysis.6 Report of Cases Two patients, reported herein, had pulmonary hemorrhage, compromised pulmonary function and end-stage glomerulonephritis, and were managed with bilateral nephrectomy, chronic hemodialysis, and renal transplantation. Case 1.—A 21-year-old married housewife was admitted to a hospital on June 9, 1966, because of progressive weight loss, anorexia, and shortness of breath persisting for two