Weinberg's and Khuri's current-algebra calculations for the low-energy ππ amplitude are generalized by allowing an isospin I=2 component in the σ commutator (as opposed to a pure I=0 component given in the σ model used by both authors). A consistency condition for the ππ amplitude is derived when one of the pions has zero four-momentum q1=0, and the others restricted so that 0<q22, q32, q42<μ2. Using this consistency condition, the power-series expansion of the amplitude in the variables s, t, and u is calculated up to fourth order in the momenta. It is found that the coefficients of the fourth-order terms are much smaller than the second-order ones in all models. The scattering lengths are calculated in several models without resorting to an expansion of the σ commutator into a series of the pion field. It is found in each model that the current-algebra calculation of the scattering lengths agrees with the effective Lagrangian calculation in the tree-diagram approximation. The reason for the agreement can be traced to the negligible contributions of the fourth- and higher-order terms in the pion field when the σ commutator is expanded in a series.