Receptors for IgM on Human B Lymphocytes

Using a rosette technique with Ig[immunoglobulin]M coated bovine red blood cells (EA-IgM), receptors for IgM can be demonstrated on human B [bone marrow-derived] lymphocytes. While in the peripheral blood B cells with IgM receptors are found only occasionally, between 7 and 33% (mean 16%) of tonsil B lymphocytes exhibit receptors for IgM. This was shown in double marker studies using EA-IgM for the demonstration of IgM receptors and fluorochrome labeled conjugates for the demonstration of S[surface]-IgD, S-IgM and B cell antigens. These receptors are specific for IgM, they can be completely blocked by IgM-anti-OVA[ovalbumin] complexes and partially by free IgM, but not at all by aggregated human IgG. They are sensitive to trypsin and pronase but reconstitute after further incubation at C. Not only T [thymus-derived] and CLL [chronic lymphatic leukemia] cells but also some normal B lymphocytes have receptors for IgM. CLL lymphocytes may derive from these B lymphocytes, which may represent a certain maturation step in B cell development.