The Radiofrequency Spectrum ofRb85F andRb87F by the Electric Resonance Method

The radiofrequency spectrum of the two molecular species Rb85F and Rb87F was studied by the molecular beam electric resonance method. The electrical quadrupole interaction constant, eq1Q1h, of Rb in RbF was determined for Rb87F in rotational states J=1 and J=2 for the first few vibrational states, and for Rb85F in rotational state J=1 for the first few vibrational states. The interaction constants are unusually large for an alkali halide molecule; for the zeroth vibrational state of Rb85F, eq1Q1h=70.31±0.10 Mc/sec. and for the zeroth vibrational state of Rb87F, eq1Q1h=34.00±0.06 Mc/sec. The absolute value of the interaction constant decreases about 1.1 percent from one vibrational state to the next higher one; the values of the interaction constants for rotational states J=1 and J=2 are the same within the limit of error. The ratio of the electric quadrupole moment of Rb85 to that of Rb87 is +2.07±0.01. Results are reported on the spin-orbit coupling c2(I2·J), between the spin of the fluorine nucleus and the molecular rotational angular momentum. For the zeroth vibrational state of Rb85F, |c2h|=11±3 kc/sec. and for the zeroth vibrational state of Rb87F, |c2h|=14±4 kc/sec. No variation in |c2h|, with vibrational state was observed. Finally, an unpredicted line group was observed in the spectrum at one-half the frequency of one of the line groups in the Rb85F spectrum. Possible origins of this line group are discussed, including that of a double quantum transition. The vibrational frequency, ω0, of