Influence of Halothane, Chloroform and Methoxyflurane on Potassium Content of Rat Atria

An electronic device was developed which allows passage of anesthetic gas or vapor into a medium containing isolated contractile tissue such that any degree of depression of the force of contraction of the tissue can be achieved and maintained. The isolated rat atrial preparation was used in this investigation. After a one-hour equilibration period halothane, chloroform, or methoxyflurane was introduced for a 2 hour period in sufficient quantity to produce and maintain a 50% decrease in the force of contraction. The atria were then analyzed for K and compared to control atria treated as above but without anesthetic. Control atria showed mean values of 79.7 mEq. K+/kg. wet tissue and 353 mEq. K+/kg. dry tissue. None of the anesthetics tested produced significant alterations in these values.