Many-body calculation of the electric field gradient in the aluminum atom

The electric field gradient for the lowest P322 state in the aluminum atom has been calculated by many-body perturbation theory. We find that the quadrupole shielding factor has a much larger antishielding contribution coming from the radial excitations of the 2p core than previously estimated. This substantially larger contribution has not been considered in earlier work. It arises from the fact that only one of the 2p-core electrons undergoes a monopole (K=0) exchange interaction with the valence 3p electron, breaking the spherical symmetry of the 2p core. Two-particle excitations consisting of correlation and consistency effects lead to a significant shielding contribution. The total quadrupole shielding factor is found to be antishielding in nature and has a value of R = 11.8±1%. The net field gradient at the nucleus is q=0.487±0.004 a.u. From the measured quadrupole coupling constant we deduce the nuclear moment of27 Al as Q=0.165±0.002 b.