Ants of the Genus Amblyopone Erichson

This revision is based on collections from Australia and New Zealand. The biology, distribution, origin, and taxonomic relationships are briefly discussed. Eighteen forms are included in the revision[long dash]7 spp., 5 sspp., and 6 var., including Amblyopone leae [image] * (p. 16), Lord Howe Island; A. hacked [image]*(p. 22), National Park, Queensland; A. clarki* [image] and [female] (p. 24), West Australia; A. aberrans* [image], [male], and [female] (p. 26), W. Australia; A. australis ssp. foveolata* all 3 phases (p. 9), W. Australia, also Nannup, Albany, and Warren; A. australis obscura v. pallens [image] (p. 11), N. S. Wales; A. australis levidens v. queenslandica [image], [female] (p. 12), Queensland; A. australis cephalotes v. norfolkensis [image] (p. 15), Norfolk Island; A. australis cephalotes v. howensis [image], [female] and [male] (p. 15), Lord Howe Island. In addition to the descriptions of the new species, descriptions or brief descriptive notes are given for the other species, and a key to the workers is furnished. Redescriptions or brief descriptive notes are given for the following: A. ferruginea, [image]; A. michaelseni, [image]; A. australis, [image], [female] , and [male]; A. australis ssp. nana, [image] and [female] ; A. australis ssp. cephalotes, [image], [female], and [male], A. australis ssp. levidens, [image] ; A. australis ssp. obscura, [image] and [female], A. australis v. fortis, [image] and [female]; A. australis v. minor, [image], [female], and [male]- There are figures to illustrate the head, thorax, petiole, and postpetiole of the workers of A. australis, A. australis ssp. cephalotes, A. michaelseni, and A. ferruginea. The following new combinations are given: A. australis ssp. nana (A. nana Emery); A. australis ssp. obscura (A. obscura F. Smith); A. australis ssp. levidens (A. levidens Emery); A. australis ssp. cephalotes (A. cephalotes F. Smith).