Effect of ether anesthesia on 17-hydroxycorticosteroid secretion in dogs

In dogs with previously cut dorsal spinal roots (T11-L3), adrenal venous blood was collected without anesthetic or pain. Ether was then inhaled for 30–60 minutes. During and after ether inhalation, adrenal venous blood was again collected and the plasma was analyzed for 17-hydroxycorticosteroids (17-OHCS). The mean preinhalation control secretion rate of 17-OHCS by one adrenal was 0.10 (0.06–0.20) µg/kg/min. During ether inhalation it increased to 0.34–1.2 µg/kg/min. Thirty to sixty minutes after the end of ether inhalation the secretion rate increased to a maximum of 0.79–1.8 µg/kg/min. and then decreased.