The equation for the vertex part of a Cooper pair is developed in the Wannier representation to highlight the atomic nature of the electrons responsible for superconductivity in narrow energy bands. For a nondegenerate band and a short-range interaction between two electrons at sites n1 and n2, the transition temperature Tc is determined by a small set of coupled integral equations in n1n2 and in the energy variable ω. With contact interaction, n1=n2, only a single equation in ω remains as the defining equation for Tc. The solution has the Bardeen-Cooper-Schrieffer (BCS) form with an attractive interaction depending on a phonon Green's function in site space and with a repulsive interaction determined by the intra-atomic Coulomb integral U. The isotope effect is calculated as a function of U; the result can account for small negative or even positive effects, as observed in transition metals. For a degenerate band, the vertex part depends on the site variables n and on the orbital indices i, the latter denoting a set of localized orbitals which transform according to a degenerate representation of the crystal group. Tc is calculated in the contact model for a cubic Γ25 band. The result contains the total density of states at the Fermi surface and the intraorbital and interorbital interactions weighted with factors 13 and 23, respectively. The lowering of Tc by long-range Coulomb interactions due to exchange effects is also briefly discussed.