Rebuilding flavodoxin from Cα coordinates: A test study

The tertiary structure of flavodoxin has been model build from only the X-ray crystallographic α-carbon coordinates. Main-Chain atoms were generated from a dictionary of backbone structures. Side-chain conformations were initially set according to observed statistical distributions, clashes were resolved with reference to other knowledge-based parameters, and finally, energy minimization was applied. The RMSD of the model was 1.7 Å across all atoms to the native structure. Regular secondary structural elements were modeledmore accurately than other regions. About 40%of the ξ1 torsional angles were modeled correctly. Packing of side chains in the core was energetically stable but diverged significantly from the native structure in some regions. The modeling of protein structures is increasing in popularity but relatively few checks have been applied to determine the accuracy of the approach. In this work a variety of parameters have been examined. It was found that close contact, and hydrogen-bonding patterns could identifypoorly packed residues. These tests, however, did not indicate which residues had a conformation different from the native structure or how to move such residues to bring them into agreement. To assist in the modeling of interacting side chains a database of known interactions has been prepared.