Role of HLA Class II Products in Proliferative T-Lymphocyte Responses to PPD.

HLA class II determinants were analysed for their role in monocyte-T-cell interactions in the proliferative response to purified protein derivative (PPD). Allogeneic cell combinations of monocytes and T cells were tested with a range of suboptimal PPD concentrations. For each cell combination tested, a summary measure to characterize the antigen-induced response curve was calculated by means of regression analysis of the response to the dose of PPD added, thus obviating a further need to correct for mixed lymphocyte reactivity. In 200 distinct monocyte-T-cell combinations, HLA-DR appeared to be the major restricting element. Additionally, a marginal influence of HLA-MB or -MT matching was observed and no evidence of HLA-SB-restricted responses. Remarkably, the HLA-MB1 specificity was significantly associated with low responsiveness in DR sharing monocyte-T-cell combinations, indicating a modulating role of MB1 in DR-restricted T-cell responses.