Photoaffinity labelling of glycosyltransferases

The photoaffinity analogues 5-azido-UDP-glucose and 5-azido-UDP-glucuronic acid have proven to be valuable biochemical tools in the studies of nucleoside diphosphate sugar-utilizing enzymes, especially membrane-associated glycosyltransferases. A summary of the past and current uses of these analogues is presented, as well as photoaffinity data for the enzyme UDP-glucose: dolichylphosphate glucosyltransferase (Glc-P-Dol synthase). This enzyme has served as a model membrane-associated glycosyltransferase for demonstrating the uses of 5-azido-UDP-glucose. The advantages of using photoaffinity analogues for the purification and characterization of glycosyltransferases are presented, as well as an outline of the general procedures which can be used in conjunction with these analogues.