Home parenteral nutrition for patients with advanced intraperitoneal cancers and gastrointestinal dysfunction

The use of total parenteral nutrition (TPN) in patients with advanced, unbeatable cancer is controversial. Occasionally, however, damage to bowel by tumor, radiation, or surgery renders these patients unable to eat and TPN may be indicated to prevent premature death from starvation. We have used Home Parenteral Nutrition (HPN) to support three patients with advanced, unbeatable abdominal cancer and inability to eat. Morbidity was minimal and survival times were 24, 6 and 1.5 months. Payment was covered by third party agencies. All patients and their families were gratified by the ability to return home with nutritional support. HPN can be used to support terminal cancer patients with bowel obstruction and may afford them longer survival. Ideally, patients considered for this should be well motivated, with good support systems, and with survival estimated to be at least months.