Population differences of aspartate aminotransferase and peptidase in the bay mussel Mytilus edulis

This investigation has demonstrated considerable heterogeneity among populations and some heterogeneity within populations in the distribution of alleles at two variant loci of Mytilus edulis. Although the causes of this variation remain obscure, some speculations have been made on the basis of available data. A cline for aspartate aminotransferase (AAT) alleles has been observed on the Pacific Coast. An immigration model has been proposed to explain the atypical ecological and genetic characteristics of large mussels found on Amchitka Island, Alaska. Marked differences were found in the distribution of peptidase alleles among collections from Southern California, the North Pacific Ocean, and New Jersey. Deviations from random distribution of phenotypes observed in comparisons made between large and small mussels from the New Jersey collection may reflect selection operating on these loci in this population.