Cells transformed by rous sarcoma virus release transforming growth factors

Chicken embryo fibroblasts and hamster BHK cells transformed by Rous sarcoma virus (RSV) release in their culture media growth factors which enhance markedly anchorage‐independent colony formation in gelified medium, at the restrictive temperature (41°5 C), of chicken embryo fibroblasts (CEF) infected by RSV mutants with a ts mutation of the src gene. This action is not observed with uninfected CEF, and, therefore, appears to require some expression of the viral src gene in the target cells. The enhancing factors are proteins related to the family of the transforming growth factors (TGFs) by their molecular weight (about 20 kd), their heat and acid resistance, and their sensitivity to dithiothreitol. They do not compete with 125I EGF for binding on the EGF receptors of the membrane of A431 cells. As chicken embryo fibroblasts are devoid of EGF receptors, their activity is not potentiated by EGF.