Charge transfer cross sections for collisions of Li3+, Be4+, B5+, and C6+ ions with atomic hydrogen

Charge transfer cross sections for Li3+ + H, Be4+ + H, B5+ + H, and C6+ + H collisions are calculated for ion-impact energies from 0.025 to 200, or to 2000 (for the C6+ + H case) keV/amu by means of the previously proposed unitarized formula based on the distorted-wave Born approximation. The results, compared with other theoretical and experimental values, show that the present formula is very useful for impact energies from 2 to 100 keV/amu, but tends to overestimate cross sections for impact energies greater than 100 keV/amu. It is suggested that the formula can be improved by taking direct-excitation and ionization channels into consideration. A scaling rule based on the cross section obtained by means of the present method is also considered, and is applied to scaling of the experimental data.