Variability for restriction fragment lengths and phylogenies in lentil

Thirty accessions of domesticated (Lens culinaris ssp. culinaris) and wild (L. culinaris ssp. orientalis, L. culinaris ssp. odemensis, L. nigricans ssp. ervoides and L. nigricans ssp. nigricans) lentil were evaluated for restriction fragment length polymorphisms (RFLPs) using ten relative low-copy-number probes selected from partial genomic and cDNA libraries of lentil. Nei's average gene diversity was used as a measure of genetic variability for restriction fragment lengths within subspecies and a dendrogram was constructed from genetic distance estimates between subspecies. The wild lentils L. culinaris ssp. orientalis and L. culinaris ssp. odemensis showed the greatest variability for restriction fragment lengths and were closely positioned to domesticated lentil in the dendrogram. Little variability for restriction fragment lengths was observed within accessions of L. nigricans ssp. ervoides and L. nigricans ssp. nigricans. This observation is consistent with a previously published proposal that nigricans may have been independently domesticated. Estimates of genetic variability based on RFLPs tended to be greater than estimates from isozymes.