Trinucleon charge form factor

The trinucleon charge form factors are studied for various nuclear interaction models with possible three-body force and meson-exchange-current effects included. A unitary transformation method of generating three-body forces is discussed. Various meson-exchange effects, including pair and recoil currents as well as that of the πNN vertex function, are investigated. The calculations show that the strong potential dependence of the He3 charge form factor in the impulse approximation diminishes considerably when meson-exchange effects are included. Exchange effects in H3 are smaller than in He3 and do not reduce the potential dependence. By including meson-exchange currents and three-body forces, good fits to the available He3 and H3 form factor data for 0.5 fm2q212 fm2 are obtained without sacrificing a satisfactory triton binding energy. The position of the diffraction minimum is correctly predicted and the height of the second maximum is improved to about half of the experimental value.